The first overseas restaurant directly managed by Far Yeast Brewing.
A gastropub where guests can enjoy a variety of Japanese craft beers in Taiwan.
A gastropub where guests can enjoy a variety of Japanese craft beers in Taiwan.
15:30~24:00(LO 23:30)
No regular holidays
No regular holidays

The first overseas restaurant directly managed by Far Yeast Brewing.
Located between Taipei’s trend-setting Dongqu and Xinyi districts, guests can enjoy a vast selection of craft beers in a cozy atmosphere.

Located between Taipei’s trend-setting Dongqu and Xinyi districts, guests can enjoy a vast selection of craft beers in a cozy atmosphere.
Far Yeast Taiwan Craftbeer Gastropub has 15 taps serving our original beer brands and other Japanese craft beers that can only be tasted here in Taiwan. We provide a place where guests can enjoy a modern meal based on Japanese cuisine while trying one of our many craft beers.

Far Yeast Brewing首家海外直營店

店內設有15龍頭,不僅提供本公司的基礎品牌,還提供只有在臺灣才能品嚐到的日本精釀啤酒。以日式料理爲基礎的現代美食一起享受的 Gastropub